You don't need to buy an expensive lip scrub to get a softer smoocher. We are obsessed with this 5-ingredient one that is just as good as anything …more
As summer winds down, we look forward to fall trends. For hair, we love bold and bright teals, purples and vivid pinks and reds transition to dark …more
Pucker up because it's National Lipstick Day on July 29th. But getting the perfect pout requires some skills. Here are our best pointers for applying …more
This one is for new moms and moms-to-be tackling stretch marks while also wanting to nourish your body with safe skincare products. Bio Oil the iconic …more
Radiant summer skin should be a staple of the season. We've got the musts to make it happen. First, let's start with EOS Shea Better Shave …more
A face refresh doesn't need to require a mask with an expensive price tag or a trip to the spa for a facial. Some of the most potent ingredients to …more
We have the 411 on the must-have beauty buys to keep you looking hot in the heat all summer long.
Summer is here and we're sharing the scoop on the best beauty buys for women of color.
Wearing a red lip isn't always an easy feat. Here are some pointers to look flawless when doing so.
Summer is here and we are talking our fave on-the-go beauty buys we are summer lovin' from deskside to beachside.
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