Everyone wants to save more money. But according to one survey, 69% of adult Americans have less than $1,000 in a savings account. To heed National …more
Home renovations are at an all-time high. After the tough year-and-a-half we've had, it's never been more important to make our homes our safe havens. …more
On the heels of Suicide Prevention Month in September, we're uncovering fact versus fiction from a new survey that looked at Americans' general …more
As the fall approaches many families will be visiting their pediatricians for their well-child checkups and flu shots. As part of the alliance between …more
When choosing more sustainable products for your home, you shouldn't have to sacrifice efficacy. In days past, earth-friendly cleaning products may …more
So far, this year has seen some seriously buzzed-about cultural happenings... from Bernie Sanders' inauguration mittens meme and the fashion …more
You may not always want to do it when you wake up but making your bed every morning actually has some real benefits. Here are reasons for making yours …more
Today marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and to honor those who have fallen, Lt. Drew Kane of the FDNY, swam 29.2 miles around Manhattan yesterday to …more
Ants, roaches, spiders, and flies: as the weather gets cooler, these pesky critters may try to make their way into your home, so it's important to …more
Attention shoppers and entertainment seekers---the latest news from Amazon Prime have gotten everyone buzzing. This fall, Amazon Prime is offering …more
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