Lock in Summer's Best Kept Beauty Secrets. From a UV Patch to monitor sun exposure in real time to a 3 minute miracle hair conditioner, we have the …more
Romance is in the hair! Now you can get the whimsical look for yourself, Hair Stylist, Odile Gilbert takes it step by step here
The formula to update this classic look? Makeup Artist, Aaron De Mey opts for chocolate brown liner instead of black and tops it off with gloss on the …more
Looking for a look to stay cool and chic this summer? Look no further than the "Supersonic Ballerina Bun." Hair Guru, Bob Recine breaks down the …more
Hair Stylist, Joseph Dimaggio divulges his formula for the hairstyle you can rock from LA to Asia and everywhere in between.
The 411 on summer-proof beauty products to help you get glam this season
Whether mesh, lace or chiffon--it's all about translucence for Summer. Celebrity Stylist, Phillip Bloch tells us how to wear the skin bearing look.
How to nail your beauty game this summer? Beauty Expert Cheryl Kramer Kaye showed us three of the best buys of the season, all for under $20.
It's all about the ombre lip this Summer. How do you get this amazing trend on your own? Makeup Artist, Romero Jennings filled us in backstage at …more
As social media images become increasingly important and we all aspire to take the perfect 'selfie,' it's easy to become self-conscious about our …more
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