3 Beauty Buys to Help You Turn Up The Heat For Spring

By The LifeMinute Team

March 29, 2017

Beauty blogger Felicia Walker Benson, the blogger behind @thisthatbeauty, shows us her rundown for staying fresh and fabulous this season.

Shower Secret

Spring and summer are the seasons for showing skin, says Walker Benson. The big trends, such as the cold shoulder and sleeveless tops demand that our skin look supple and hydrated. But for many of us the long, cold winter took its toll, leaving us dry and dehydrated. How do we get the moisture back?

Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash contains ultra-hydrating shae butter and technology that locks in moisture, penetrating deep into the skin.

Worried about that icky, gooey feeling some body washes leave behind? Don't be. Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash rinses clean from head to toe. Sign us up.

For more information go to Olay.com.

Can You Take The Heat?

Two things matter when it comes to choosing the best deodorant: How it smells and how long it lasts. Enter Secret's new Fresh Collection, which is the first beauty collection to feature a new Fade Resistant Scent Technology, which means that the fragrance--and there are 11 to pick from--will last up to 48 hours.

Choose between a clear gel or invisible solid.

Go to Secret.com for more information.

Stay Dri All Day

What is the microclimate? According to Dri-Fit, it's the layer of air between your skin and clothing, which is important for incontinence and feminine hygiene products. Choose one with the Dri-Fit logo to help you stay dry--look for a combination of natural and synthetic fibers. Such a good fit for Spring.

Go to madewithdrifit.com for further information.


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