AAD Trends: Skincare Innovations From The Experts

Complexion perfection can be yours with the up-to-the-second skincare innovations introduced at the AAD's latest meeting

By The LifeMinute Team

March 8, 2016

No Pain, No Gain? No Way!

A flat stomach without ever hitting the gym is now a reality due to a fat-busting device called SculpSure. "It treats excess fat with a low-level laser that is selective for fat cells," says Dr. Robert Weiss, a Baltimore dermatologist. The easy treatment consists of the doctor applying four applicators to the abdomen or flank for twenty five minutes. During that time the laser gently warms the fat cells, then over a period of about six weeks the fat cells disappear.

"It's been very successful with patient acceptance. They can come in during their lunch hour, get their treatment and then go back to their normal business day," says Weiss.

Younger, Brighter Skin

Another hot trend: Patients are asking for skin revitalization; to get younger, fresher, brighter skin. Dr. Nazanin Saedi of Philadelphia steers her patients toward the Picosure laser, which works "by releasing energy in a super short amount of time that then activates the body's natural cell mechanisms to stimulate skin refreshing processes without the downtime and discomfort of traditional lasers.

Compared to traditional lasers which use a lot of heat which can cause discomfort, redness and downtime, the Pico offers very little downtime with very little redness that only lasts a few hours. Patients can have this procedure done mid-day, resume their normal activities, have plans in the evening, but still have the benefits of this laser treatment," she says.

For more information go to sculpture.com or picosure.com.


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