Fast Holiday Fix: One Derm Visit Can Restore Your Youthful Visage

A fast fix to help you feel rested, restored and natural for your holiday photos

From the LifeMinute Team

December 4, 2015

In one hour you can give your face an instant youth boost with a safe and long-lasting filler.

Skincare Basics

The first thing Dr. Marmur asks her patients to do is describe their skincare routine. What products are they using? Are they consistent with their routine? And are they gentle enough with their skin? When it comes to facial cleansers, she recommends a gentle formula followed by a hydrating serum or moisturizer. And, last but far from least, a sunscreen, she strongly advises wearing a sunscreen, even in winter.

After her patient's skincare regimen is taken care of, Dr. Marmur switches gears to talk about an instant youth boost: Juvderm.

Next-Level Rejuvinator

"In my practice we use fillers such as Juvderm to restore some of that soft tissue that you might have lost over time," she says. "As we age or tissue volume changes and we look a little off balance."

She continues: "So Juvderm Voluma XC is my favorite filler for the cheek area. It's FDA-approved to last up to two years to give back some of that three-dimensional fullness and volume that we lose over time and that gives you a nice, rested look."

Juvderm Ultra XC is ideal to use around the mouth area where to combat deep parentheses, little vertical lip lines, and thinned-out lips. Juvderm Ultra XC is FDA-approved to last for up to one year around the mouth.

Before Your Appointment

One of the side effects of fillers is the possibility of bruising. Avoid triggers that can increase your risk for three days prior to your appointment. These include:

-Fish oil
-Vitamin E

After Care

"There's nothing you have to do. If you want to put an ice pack on the injected area, that's fine, but really your body is going to be on autopilot and take care of itself. You may get a little swelling for one to three days and possibly bruising for up to a week, but these things go away by themselves," Dr. Marmur says.

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