Get Healthy, Glowing Summer Skin

Summer is upon us, which and a lot of it! 

Fabulous skin really doesstart from the inside out. Make sure you are eating a balanced diet, and ofcourse keep your skin hydrated with plenty of water--at least 8-8 oz. glasses perday. You know you are well hydrated if you urine is clear...Keep caffeine to a minimumand make sure to stay away from smoke. 

Keeping your skin hydratedfrom the outside is just as important, you really should be using a good moisturizer.Amlactin is a great one, especially if you have severely dry skin. It has anadvanced formula of alpha hydroxy and rich emollients that work together togently exfoliate your skin, and then intensely hydrate it. It retains theskin's natural moisture and draws water to the skin, so it looks and feels softand smooth.

You can grab it at thedrugstore...super convenient  and it'sreally powerful stuff.  The best time touse it is right after a bath or shower...while the skin is still damp--and speakingof want to keep water lukewarm---harsh temps can dehydrate the skinas well.

Now, exercise is veryimportant because the circulation gets the blood pumping...and the perspirationand good circulation is key.

On the health front, youshould always see your dermatologist for check ups, especially this time ofyear. Make sure to follow their skin care recommendations...they may have aspecial regimen that they want you to follow based on your skincare needs.

Sponsored by: Amlactin 

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