How to Combat Maskne

The best type of mask to wear and tips to prevent and fight the unwanted blemishes

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

April 15, 2021

There have been a lot of new words added to our vocabulary this past year. "Maskne” otherwise known as acne occurring on your face due to wearing a face covering to protect from COVID-19, is one of them. So how do we fight the dreaded condition wreaking havoc on our skin?

What mask is best?
100% cotton is the best to let skin breathe while still protecting you.

Watch the fit
Make sure your mask is snug, but not too tight.

Wash your face before AND after putting on a mask
If you are going to be wearing a mask for an extended period of time like at work or during a workout, make sure to wash your face before and afterwards. Cleansing your face of dirt and oil beforehand will make it less likely for acne to develop while you wear your mask.

Don’t dry out your skin
Dry skin can become aggravated quicker and cause redness. Make sure to be applying a non- comedogenic moisturizer which can keep your skin hydrated to act as a barrier between your face and the mask, decreasing irritation. 

Wear only clean masks
Always put on a clean face mask. Wash your face masks regularly and use fragrance-free laundry detergent to avoid irritation.

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