Winter Beauty Essentials

Winter is the perfect time tospruce up your beauty routine. Founder and Editor- in-Chief, Polly Blitzer, is here to share her list of the best beautybuys of 2012.

PB: Let's start at the topwith our hair---when the cold weather sets in, hair has a tendency to dry out,especially gray hair which is more porous/coarse to begin with.

So to keep it moisturized andcover those pesky grays, I really like Clairol Professional's new Liquicolor Permanentegray busters. It creates natural looking, deep conditioned hair and itreflects  light, so it actually creates ashimmering, multi-dimensional effect, so cool.

It has a soy4plex thatsmooths the entire hair shaft inside and out to deliver deep conditioning thatyou can really feel.

Use it in between salonvisits. It's available at beauty supply stores, like Sally Beauty.  Or online at

Winter can make you andfamily feel uncomfortable with chapped, cracked skin, rough elbows, crackedfeet, windburn on the face and raw, dry hands. There's a multi-purpose product, Eucerin Aquaphor that prevents andhelps heal so many of these winter challenges. It's a great value because it is gentle enough for babies but effectivefor your very dry skin.  The consistencyis an ointment so it feels greasy but it is so helpful for very dry skin.  A great idea is to use at night on feet andhands and wake up to smoother skin.  Ilike to refer to it as the duct-tape of dermatology.

I'm also excited about thisnew anti-acne product made just for teens - it's called X Out. With winterformal and spring break trips just around the corner, it's a must-have skincare product for teens.  X out is an easyto use, one-step wash-in treatment from the maker's of Proactiv.  It banishes breakouts by washing acne-fighting medicine into the pores to help kill the bacteria that cause pimples,and at the same time moisturizes the skin. But it's not just a face wash - X Out can also be used as a mask andspot treatment, which I love!

Teens should use it for twominutes, twice a day. To encourage the proper wash time, there's a code on thebottle so when teens scan it they are automatically directed to the 'dailydistraction' to watch a cool two minute video while they wash.  Each day they can see a new video... prettycool.

Check out or for more information.

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