Amy Sedaris Kicks Off The Holiday Season at Michaels

The actress, comedian and homemaker extraordinaire shows off her crafty side at Michaels' faux tree farm

November 10, 2017

By The LifeMinute Team

We caught up with Amy Sedaris at Michaels pop-up faux tree farm in New York City this week, the home-maker and star of truTV's At Home with Amy Sedaris, says she's a big crafter and buys all her stuff there...

"It's one-stop don't have to go to many different stores to get what you want, you can just get it all here."

When it comes to trees, she goes skinny and faux, to accommodate her small NYC space..."its almost the size of the radiator pole and it doesn't take a lot to decorate it."

Sedaris told us one of her holiday traditions is to make a new tree skirt. This year she used felt and multi-colored pom-poms. She's also a fan of pine cone crafts and putting googly eyes on pretty much anything.

Now if you want to get her a gift--leave the pineapples at home..."The worst gift I ever received was a pineapple, they're so obnoxious, they're a pain in the butt to carve. Pineapple ornaments are fine, I just don't want a real pineapple. I've always been a fan of something practical, I love a book of stamps...a pound of butter, a bottle of wine, something you can re-gift if you need to."

Check out more at and find a store near you for all the goods from decorating, to baking and of course their huge selection of more than 100 faux trees starting at just $14.99


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