A LifeMinute with MTV's Holland Roden

Holland Roden plays supernatural high school student Lydia Martin in MTV's remake of Teen Wolf, which 3rd season premieres on June 3rd. We caught up with her at Charolotte Ronson's show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Fall 2013 to find out what she's doing onset and off duty.

What have you been up to?

Holland Roden: Right now, we're shooting our 3rd season of Teen Wolf for MTV! We just moved to Los Angeles and so hopefully we'll have smaller and smaller hiatuses.

What do you like to do when you're not filming Teen Wolf?

HR: I love to work with chef Jamie Oliver's Foundation and Food Revolution. I like to do a lot of food documentaries. And yes, fashion--those are my two major things!

Speaking of fashion, how would you describe your signature style?

HR: I'm a late 1950s, early 1960s kid at heart. I love the style of that era. I have a pear-shaped figure and I'm only 5'3'' so I love the A-line silhouette. I'm also a big fan of chiffon and silk. You can never have too many chiffon shirts!

Do you have any go-to makeup must-haves?

HR: Definitely it's a poppy red lip. I love that color. I think minimal make up is the best way to go.

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