Betsey Johnson: Rocker Chicks, NYFW Fall 2014

Betsey Johnson beats to her own drum .. short when everyone goes long .. loud when her design peers shift into neutral .. and rocker when others do relaxing

From the LifeMinute team

February 12th, 2014

Betsey Johnson's models may look like Adults Only film stars in their tacky wacky attire but she keeps the teen crowd flocking to her stores.

"I love Betsy Johnson and Betsy Johnson was one of my first dresses that I ever really got for a school dance and stuff. It's young, it's fresh, it's fun. I used to live in that store. Me and my mom would go there all the time," says actress and performer Zendaya Coleman.

Models stomp down the runway in thigh boots reminiscent of the black patent ones Julia Roberts wore in Pretty Woman. Shoe king Steve Madden is collaborating with Johnson on accessories. The bags and shoes are loaded with leopard print.

"We are here to support her. She's great. I'm happy to be part of it," says Steve Madden.

How does the veteran designer describe her latest cuckoo collaboration?

"Color and fun and rock n roll and hip hop and all the rocker chicks out there because there is a rocker chic in all of us, says Johnson.

So don't be afraid to rock a bright orange fur vest or a gold sequence mini next fall. Dust off your inner Joan Jet! Johnson keeps hemlines short and colors electric. Manicurist Danielle Candido keeps the flash coming with her nail art.

"She is going for really fun and over the top. So we went West Coast cool and we actually just laid loose gold foil right onto the surface, kind of random. We applied the studs real simple and just to keep it a really nice finished the back of the nail off with bright side - so that way when the girls bring their hands up you see color and not plastic," says Candido.

Betsey, of course, nailed her infamous show closing cartwheel with her grand daughter at her side. The next generation to wear Betsey's fun clothes.

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