Dressing for Successful Job Interviews

By: Amy Goodman

We know how competitive the job market is and how first impressions are everything. Amy Goodman, Timex Fashion Trend Director says it's time to rethink the old rules on interview dressing and update your look with these new tips.

(Old Rule: Wear a conservative black suit)

New Rule: Dress for your industry

Skip the basic black pantsuit and choose clothing that's reflective of the industry that you want to work in. Infuse some personality into your outfit. Jazz up slacks by wearing a jacket with some texture, and adding a standout piece like a colorful scarf or modern briefcase. Remember, if you look exactly like everyone else you won't be memorable.

(Old Rule: Wear the most expensive and luxurious labels in your closet)

New Rule: Mind the economy

Wear clothing and accessories that reflect the current economic environment and the job you're interviewing for. You want your potential boss to think you're a smart spender so leave your luxury watch at home and wear a stylish timex. It's just as chic and professional but at a tenth of the price. For conservative industries choose an elegant dress watch. If the position is more creative wear a watch with an oversized dial or a band with a pop of color. The Timex T Series(R) Chronograph is a great option.

(Old Rule: Always wear high heels to an interview)

New Rule: Flats are fine

If heels aren't your thing, don't wear them. You can be equally as stylish and nimble on your feet with a fabulous pair of flats or oxfords.

Best of luck on your next interview. For more of Amy's style tips please visit timexstyle.com or fan Timex Style on facebook.

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