Show off your Fall Style

Refresh, restore and reveal your style for Fall 2014

From the LifeMinute team

September 26, 2014

Good news -- the hottest fashion trends for Fall 2014 aren't just stylish, they're comfortable, too! Fashion Stylist Kate Young gives us the lowdown on what to wear -- and how to wear and care for it -- to keep you and your clothes looking great all season long.

Chunky Knits

What's so new and different about chunky knits? Well, they're not just for sweaters anymore. Kate says, "There are jackets, coats, dresses, even pants in chunky knits." It's a right-off-the-runway look that makes keeping cozy this Fall a whole lot easier.


It seems that with each new season comes the revival of fashion favorites from a fill-in-the-blank decade. And this Fall, it's the 60s making its return -- Kate says you'll see 1960s fashion influences both in shape and prints this season.


One could say denim is back, but it never really left. Kate says, "After a long Fashion Week, I just want to wear my vintage Levi's. What I love about them is the little things that give them character: rips, tears and wear." But throwing your jeans in the wash can remove the very characteristics that make them a fashion favorite. Kate's solution? "What I've been using in my studio lately is this revolutionary new machine called the Swash," says Kate, "It restores and refreshes the jeans without causing any damage. The way it works is you open the front door, hang the garment on the hanger inside -- it can hold one or two items -- put in a pod and close it. In ten minutes, the garment feels like it's just been to the cleaners. It feels crisp and fresh and smells amazing. And the fit is restored." What that means for your jeans...the knees and the rear end will go back to where they belong. And those stretched-out elbows on your favorite sweater will be stretched out no longer.

And that Swash will be coming in handy as Kate kicks off the Live In Levi's challenge. Kate explains, "For the next 30 days, starting October 1, I'm going to be doing a challenge called "Live In Levi's." ... I'll be wearing the jeans and caring for them in the Swash, and I hope you'll post your own style pictures so that I can see them, too."

Follow Kate on Instagram @kystyle to check out how she's rocking her jeans all month long. And to join her in the Live In Levi's challenge, post your own Levi's denim outfits using the hashtag #LiveInLevis.


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