31 Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips

Give costumes a walking test and other strategies to ensure a spooky fun night

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

October 24, 2023

Trick-or-treating should be all about costumes, candy, and merriment. Here’s a guide to better ensure a frighteningly fun and safe Halloween is had by all.

1. Never trick-or-treat alone. Go in groups.

2. If older kids are out together, parents should consider using a mobile tracker app to follow their progress (or plan an acceptable route ahead of time) and set a curfew.

3. Children under age 12 should have an adult accompany them door-to-door.

4. Use flame-resistant costumes.

5. Ensure costumes do not restrict breathing or sight.

6. Instead of masks, consider using face paint. It’s considered safer and less restrictive. 

7. Test the makeup you plan to use at least 24-48 hours in advance.

8. Wear proper fitting comfortable shoes wear Layers under your custome you can remove if needed

9. Give costumes a test run to ensure they are easy to walk in.

10. Remind kids to wait until their treats are checked before eating them.

11. Have everyone eat a snack before heading out to avoid the temptation of sneaking a treat before being inspected.

12. Be visible: Attach reflective tape to costumes, bags, wagons, and strollers. Use glow sticks and flashlights.

13. Drive slowly and turn on headlights earlier in the day to spot kids from farther distances.

14. Use extra caution when stopping at crosswalks and driving in residential areas.

15. Drivers and pedestrians should enter and exit driveways and alleys slowly and carefully.

16. Put away electronic devices and remove earbuds while walking.

17. Walk (no running) from house to house using sidewalks whenever possible. You never know what rocks or stones or other tripping hazards may be on a lawn.

18. If no sidewalk is available, walk at the edge of the roadway facing traffic.

19. Cross the street as a group in established crosswalks and look both ways. Most younger child pedestrians are struck at mid-block rather than at intersections.

20. Make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them.

21. Teach children not to dart out between parked cars.

22. Stay on well-lit streets and only go to homes with a porch light on and, ideally, a well-lit pathway.

23. Instruct kids to never enter the home of a stranger or their car for a treat.

24. Be cautious around pets.

25. Be aware of and avoid open flame like lit candles in a jack-o’-lantern.

26. Be alert for decorations in walking paths or on steps.

27. If you are welcoming trick-or-treaters, light your home area well. Sweep your sidewalks and steps. Clear your porch or front yard of impediments someone could trip over. Keep pets locked up or indoors during trick-or-treating hours.

28. Once home, inspect all goodies and toss homemade treats and other questionable items, like repackaged goods, tears in wrappers, or ingredients your child may be allergic to.

29. Parents are advised to limit treats to pre-packaged ones by reputable manufacturers only.

30. Brush your teeth (and floss) at the end of the night.

31.Don’t forget to say Trick-or-Treat!

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