An Estimated 600 Million Animals Including 80% of Koalas Impacted by Australia’s Devastating Wildfires

The Morris Animal Foundation’s scientific research grants will fund major studies to support preservation and restoration

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

January 12, 2020

The widespread wildfires in Australia are having disastrous effects on Australian wildlife. These immediate issues will soon turn into long-term effects for the future with their habitats and food sources depleted. The Morris Animal Foundation, a global leader in advancing animal health, says they’ll allocate $1 million dollars for scientific research grants that will fund major studies to help.

“We recognize the need for boots on the ground to save animal lives right now,” said Tiffany Grunert, President & CEO, Morris Animal Foundation, “However, our role will be to research the impact of the fires on wildlife in support of restoration efforts from land mammal population studies to the effects of the fires on marine wildlife downstream. There’s a great deal of research to be conducted in support of these unique and valuable species.”

Australia is home to more than 300 native species, most of which aren’t found anywhere else in the world. Local experts estimate the ongoing wildfires have destroyed more than 12 million acres of land and impacted between 500 and 800 million animals, including koalas.   

Wayne Boardman, School of Animal and Veterinary Science at Adelaide said, “80% of koalas on the island have been killed. Now we only have 10,000 koalas left." 

To support the effort, everyone interested can make a gift to Morris Animal Foundation’s wildlife research program by visiting Headquartered in Denver, since 1948 they’ve invested more than $155 million in over 2,700 studies that have improved the health and quality of life for animals around the world.

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