Fit Fam: Fun Ideas to Get the Whole Family Moving

Skip, strike, putt, groove, and other playful ways to exercise for National Family and Fitness Day on September 30

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

September 30, 2023

A family fitness day can be an entertaining and healthy way to do something with loved ones. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Fall Back
Autumn is an ideal time to take your family’s physical activity outdoors. Have fun collecting colorful leaves, camping, visiting a farm, getting lost through the corn mazes, or apple or pumpkin picking.

Dance Off
Have a dance party or play a dancing video game. Add a disco ball or other decorative elements. Or consider taking a family class together at a studio. In addition to burning hundreds of calories, dancing can improve memory, coordination, and mood.

Ride Along
Take a walk or bike ride to a local park. If you have younger children, have them alternate between riding in a stroller or wagon. Or use scooters or roller skates. Once at the park, enjoy another activity like flying a kite or playing Frisbee.

Divvy Up
Kill two birds with one stone: Make household tasks an active game. Get the gang involved in activities such as folding laundry, cleaning windows, and yard work, like raking and bagging leaves. Make it a competition with awards to keep it motivating.

Monkey Around
Head to a playground together. Swing, climb on the monkey bars, go up and down the slide.

Strike Out
Try an indoor anaerobic activity to keep moving, like bowling, especially if the weather is not cooperating. Lots of muscles are involved in bowling. It can promote muscle strength and flexibility and reduce stress.

Putt Forward
Mini-golf is a great way to get active in a fun, familial, competitive environment. In addition to strengthening balance and physical depth perception, it encourages good sportsmanship and problem-solving.

Training Camp
Train together as a family for a charity walk or run. The teamwork of exercising together, especially for a good cause, can build a stronger emotional bond that carries over from exercise to home life.

Hit the Circuit
Create an outdoor circuit game day in your front or backyard. Play solo against one another or divide up into teams. Think balloon or ring toss, a sack race, hopscotch, or who can skip rope the longest. Invite your neighbors to take part and keep a record of winning teams.

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