How to Help Your Family Fall in Love with Reading

Plus, the benefits of cracking open a book

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

October 20, 2021

According to the U.S. Department of Education, 54% of U.S. adults aged 16-74 lack proficiency in literacy, reading below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level. A Spanish study found, on average, students who were reading regularly outside of class saw their grades rise by 0.22 points overall. In honor of National Family Literacy Day kicking off this month, we have tips to make reading a fun habit for the family. Plus, the benefits of doing so.

How to Read More…

Make Reading Time Exciting
Having a designated storytime with your children, whether before or after school, can become something they look forward to. Create a “reading nook” in your home with a comfy chair or a bean bag and a bookshelf to make a fun and playful space.

Pick the Right Books
If your child seems disinterested in reading, it may be because they do not find the story intriguing. Explore new topics and genres together to help them find books aligned with their interests. And helping them read stories on their interest level, but above their reading level, can expand their comprehension. Plus, it can improve their listening and focusing skills.

Get a Library Card
Regularly taking a trip to the library with your child will expand their horizons and open them up to hundreds of new books. Have them get a library card so they can take out books on their own.

Build Vocabulary
Sometimes kids dislike reading because they are unfamiliar with certain words or what they mean. Or they cannot read them. Play games like Scrabble or have a weekly spelling bee night that the whole family can get into to help them develop their vocabulary.

The Benefits of Books
-Builds children's knowledge of sounds, words, and language
-Grows bonds between parents and children
-Helps develop a child’s ability to concentrate
-Builds social and emotional skills
-Expands a child’s imagination, creativity, and attention span

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