Keep Your Kids Safe At Home

Nip those hidden home dangers in the bud with tips from The Safety Mom

By The LifeMinute Team

June 29, 2016

For a new parent, danger lurks around every corner of the home. Keep your kids safe with room-by-room suggestions and product tips. Alison Jacobson, a.k.a. The Safety Mom, weighs in with tips on how to keep your home safe for your little ones or any that might be visiting.

Hidden Dangers

New parents are automatically concerned about light furniture. But heavy furniture holds just as serious a threat to little ones. "It's incredibly dangerous if a child pulls out a drawer and stands on it. Make sure you're attaching all of that furniture to the walls with either furniture straps or guards," says Jacobson.

Also, consider the loose items that are on the nightstand such as coins, medication or jewelry. And don't forget those button batteries. "They've become a huge issue. So make sure if you have remote controls or key fobs, tape them up so kids can't get in to find the battery," she says.

Additionally, don't forget about kitchens and bathrooms, where there are a myriad of lurking dangers. "We overlook other items in the home such as the laundry room. If you're using laundry liquid packets you want to make sure it stays in the original container up and out of the way."

Smart Solution

Tide has introduced the first child-resistant bags for the laundry packet which have a child-guard zipper that prevents children from getting into it. "They've gone through the same safety-standard test that they use for medicines and other household cleaners, so it's a great way to keep your kids safe," says Jacobson.

For more information and safety tips go to and

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