Micro Gardens

Creative ways to put your green thumb to work in small spaces

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

March 12, 2021

Love to garden but don’t have the room? Just in time for spring and National Plant a Flower Day – here are some creative and fantastical ways to work a secret garden into any small space.

Hang it
No ground space, no problem.  Create a beautiful hanging garden by a window sill or outside on a deck or porch. Floating your garden high out of an animals’ reach can also protect your plants from being eaten.

Scale it
Everyone has a wall. Attach shelves, pots or even lean a planter against any flat area in or outside of your house. The side of a fence is also a perfect place to prop your garden.

Find a Unique Planter
A unique planter can not only serve as a home for your plants but a decorative element for your yard. An old dresser with the drawers pulled out can house a beautiful flower bed or an antique wagon.

Build it for Fairies
Fairy gardens are adorable mini worlds that you can place in a tree stump, edge of your patio or under your mailbox. You can fill it with tiny plants, flowers and as many trinkets as you want to make it as magical as possible.

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