Restoring America's Bridges

Much has been said about our failing infrastructure in the U.S, recent indicator...a faltering bridge over the Ohio River connecting Indiana and Kentucky was shut down by governors of both states. 

More than 26 percent, or one in four, of the nation's bridges are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete and according to the American Society of Civil Engineers, a $17 billion annual investment is needed to substantially improve current bridge conditions. What's more... according to a recent America THINKS survey by HNTB, 62 percent of Americans believe most bridges in the U.S are in poor condition.Lack of funds to maintain bridges and roadways is taking a serious toll on our nation's mobility, economic competitiveness ...even our quality of life. 

But it is going to take a combined investment of $650 billion over 50 years to fix current structural deficiencies according to the American association of state highway and transportation officials. Finding the billions of dollars is one challenge; using that investment in the smartest way possible is another.Ted Zoli of HNTB Corporation, a leader in planning, design and construction of bridges, says that we are finding ways to maximize bridge dollars to help restore America's bridges. 

One strategy that HNTB has utilized is accelerated bridge construction techniques to maneuver pre-constructed bridges or bridge sections into place saving time and money. These span lifts have been successfully applied in New Orleans, Upstate New York and San Francisco. 

Restoring our bridges is essential to our mobility and our global competitiveness. Rebuilding our infrastructure creates jobs, makes our communities better for business and improves our overall quality of life.Sponsored by: HNTBFor more information on innovations in bridge design visit or to check the status of bridges near you...go to

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