Spot the Signs of Canine Osteoarthritis in Your Dog

Experts share tips to tell if your furry friend has the disease and how to manage the painful symptoms early on

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

August 28, 2019

Canine osteoarthritis (also known as arthritis, degenerative joint disease or DJD) is the most common cause of chronic pain in dogs and is estimated to affect approximately 20 percent of dogs over one year old. This debilitating disease can affect any dog, but both age and breed are risk factors. We recognize the wonderful companionship and love our dogs give us by providing important tips for identifying this disease and managing the pain it can cause our dogs. We sat down with animal health experts, Dr. Kristin Kirkby Shaw and Meredith Kahn, M.S., Animal Science, to discuss how to spot the early signs, as well as treatment options and lifestyle recommendations to support and maintain a dog’s mobility.

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