Spring Survival Guide for the Whole Family

Outdoor essentials for protecting you and your kids from the sun, cuts, scrapes and allergies

By the LifeMinute Team

April 12, 2018

From soccer games and camping trips, to hikes, bike-rides, and more, 'tis the season to get outside, but first check out these musts to add to your bag before heading out.

Sun Protection
Even in the early days of springtime, it is still important to apply sunscreen. Make sure the entire family applies before leaving the house and reapply throughout the day. We like Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Lightweight Sunscreen Spray with SPF 100+ because it provides powerful sun protection in a sheer, lightweight finish.

Minor Cuts and Scrapes
With kids it's always a good idea to carry Neosporin + Pain, Itch, Scar and Band-Aid Brand SKIN-FLEX Adhesive Bandages to cover and heal all wounds. Neosporin helps prevent infection and relieves itching and pain while minimizing the appearance of scars and the bandages move like a second skin.

There's nothing worse than a runny nose or itchy eyes when you're trying to enjoy the fresh air. This time of year, allergies can sneak up on you, so it's best to be prepared. Visine-A Multi-Action Eye Allergy Relief and Zyrtec Allergy Syrup are safe bets.

Be sure to visit healthyessentials.com for more tips on getting your family ready for outdoor activities, plus a chance to win some great soccer prizes.


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