Step by Step Guide to Cleaning the Inside of Your Fridge

Avoid overcrowding and other tips for a fresh fridge

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

January 4, 2024

With the holidays over, now is a perfect time to clean the inside of your refrigerator. Try the following strategies for a sparkling fridge.

Discard old leftovers, expired foods, and anything questionable. Get rid of items no one likes and are just taking up space. Take out the trash with the tossed-out foods right away. 

Take everything else out of the fridge. Move non-perishables to the counter and place perishables in a cooler if it will take you more than two hours to clean. The USDA suggests a “2-hour rule” for leaving food out. If the temperature is above 90 °F, avoid leaving food out for more than 1 hour. 

Detach and take out shelves, drawers, and any other removable parts. You can clean them more effectively outside the fridge. It also provides easier access to getting inside fridge crevices. 

Wipe down the interior using a microfiber cloth with warm-hot water and mild dish soap. Dry with a clean cloth. If sanitizing the inside of the fridge, follow up using a solution of 1 tablespoon of liquid bleach to 1 gallon of water placed in a spray bottle. For a less abrasive solution, try equal parts water and white vinegar. 

For stubborn stains, create a paste of baking soda and water. Apply it to the mark and allow it to sit for at least ten minutes before wiping it off. 

Wait until shelves, drawers, and other removable items are at room temperature before cleaning them. A sudden temperature change can cause parts to crack. Wash parts by hand with warm-hot water and dish soap. Dry with a clean towel. Make sure parts are entirely dry before putting them back in. 

For lingering odors, place an open box of baking soda inside the fridge with the door closed to absorb them. You can also try a bowl of fresh coffee grounds. To keep your crisper drawer clean and your produce fresher longer, line it with a paper towel before inserting your veggies and fruit. Produce often releases water after it has been stored. Paper towels help absorb the moisture. Replace with a fresh one frequently. 

As you put items back inside, organize them and don’t overfill. Fridges cool more efficiently if air has breathing room to circulate. Consider using bins to keep like-items together. And make sure containers, like a ketchup bottle and jelly jar, are clean and sticky-free before heading inside the fridge.

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