Take Advantage of Anthem Insurance's Open Enrollment Season

Health insurance has a great impact not only on your health but your finances as well

By The LifeMinute Team

November 16, 2016

It's crucial to pay attention during open enrollment season through your health insurance. Since just one broken leg can cost $7500, for example, understanding the of the details of your plan is a must.

Budget Basics

First of all, ask yourself an honest question about your budget. "Look at premiums, out of pocket expenses and your deductible. As you look at all of these you will be able to make a better informed decision about the best health insurance plan during this open enrollment season," says Ellie Kay, America's Family Financial Expert.

Preventative Medicine

"Open enrollment is a great time to reevaluate your health care needs, says Dr. Omar Latif, Vice President of Healthcare Management at Anthem. "As a physician I can tell you that having health insurance is linked to healthier outcomes. One of the reasons for this is your preventative care is covered. So you can get your annual physical, your flu shot, other immunizations and your cancer screening." This enables your doctor to pick up on small things before they become more serious. For example, if you already have a condition like diabetes or heart disease. "We have nurses at Anthem that will work with you to make lifestyle changes."

He goes on: "And last but not least, let me speak as a dad here, and not as a physician. We have access to telemedicine, so if my son spikes a fever at 3:00 in the morning I can pull up a pediatrician and get consultation and support from that pediatrician."

Planning Ahead

What is coming up in the next 12 months for your family? Are you expecting another baby? Do you need knee replacement surgery? Whether you're purchasing your own plan, considering options on your employer plan, or you may be eligible for Medicare, it's important to make the right decision. "There are resources that are available to you. Insurers like Anthem, found at Anthem.com, can really help with these decisions. Also patient assistors, navigators, or your local broker in your local community. And as they help walk you through some of these options, including whether you might qualify for financial assistance, then you can make the best decision for your unique situation," says Kay.

Phone Smarts

"And don't forget to use your smart phone. As an Anthem member I use it all the time. I use it to find a doctor that's in network, even if I'm on vacation, and I can also use it to look up tools to calculate what my out of pocket costs would be," says Latif.

Read The Fine Print

"I am a mother of 7 millennials, so I'll give you the same advice I give them. Once you select a plan, pay attention to your network. Look at the doctors in your network, and the hospitals. Because if you go out of network not only might you incur greater expenses when it comes to out of pocket expenses, but in some cases you might be liable for the entire amount so it's important to pay attention to those details," says the financial expert.

For more information go to anthem.com/openenrollment. Or go to healthcare.gov.


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