Watch What Happens When [yellow tail] Tries to Surprise One of America's Largest Brewers with a Truckload of Wine!
By The LifeMinute Team
February 3, 2017
Australian wine company [yellow tail] wanted to make a grand gesture of friendship when they tried to deliver four "thousand" bottles of wine to americas largest brewer this week in st louis missouri.
All in good fun and following the announcement that they'll be the First wine brand in nearly 40 years to advertise in the big game, an exclusive domain long held by the beer brand.
From the commercial the yellow tail guy on his way to the big game decided to stop in St. Louis for a little pre game party.
"You might recognize me from my big game commercial spot. Now i have a truck load of yellow tail wine that i would love to share with your company as a sign of good will and admiration because we're huge fans...we'd love to give each one of your employees a bottle of wine and what we hope is going to be an amazing friendship and possibly a future partnership. I think you need to bind the ties that your beer, our yellow tail wine could make for an awesome pre game big game party, so what do you say?"
Well he tried, and he tried, and he tried gift each of the 4000k employees a free bottle of wine, but it didn't turn out quite like they hoped... no worries...the aussie brand still knows how to have fun!
What do you think they should do with the truck load of wine? Send your suggestions, #yellowtailguy. Cheers!