Sun exposure, geographic elevation, daily commute times, stress levels and even ozone pollution can accelerate the aging of skin, but which factor is …more
Effortless updos, side-swept bobs, dramatic eyes and dewy complexions ruled Sunday's scorching red carpet. Here, the pros who created the …more
Lady Gaga, Kerry Washinton and Padma Lakshmi's red carpet hair and makeup stole the show. Take inspiration from their super-flattering looks.
Salicylic acid, ceramics and iodine may sound like technical ingredient names you don't need to know. But if you want smooth, supple skin and a …more
Whether you dread it or welcome it with open arms, Fall is here. Read on for three amazing product lines that help you keep your clothes in pristine …more
Deceptively small beauty tweaks can make a powerful impact, says style expert Lilliana Vazquez. From a DIY blemish buster to the newest super-smile …more
Sun, sweat, chlorine, salt--the summer elements can take a toll on your skin and hair. Here, Shape 's Beauty Director Cheryl Kramer Kaye shares …more
What's your best summer accessory? Your skin! Here, board certified New York City dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe shares how to reduce common skin …more
Rogaine teamed up with these hilarious YouTubers to lighten up the conversation about hair thinning and hair loss. Plus, tips from celebrity men's …more
Beauty and style expert Jenn Falik reveals three essentials to make your morning get-ready routine a breeze.
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