The statistics are staggering. According to the American Heart Association, 1 in 4 heart attack and clot-related stroke survivors will have another …more
If you're looking for the perfect gift or stocking stuffer for a loved one on your list, look no further than the Oral-B iO , the latest innovation …more
It's flu season, but with COVID still looming, there is so much to consider--like when is the right time to get the flu shot and your COVID booster? …more
We may be losing an hour of daylight on November 7th when we set clocks back an hour for Daylight Savings, but here at LifeMinute, we like to see it …more
With so few things we can control in life, we at are BIG BELIEVERS in the little things you can do to make yourself feel good, like …more
It's National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Paralympic athlete Blake Leeper is drawing awareness to the lack of inclusivity in the fitness …more
If there's anything we've learned over the past 18 months, it's that we all need to make health and wellness a priority. A recent blind survey …more
September is Self Improvement Month, and it's also the start of our beauty and wellness routines for fall. Here's the scoop on three must-haves to …more
As we gear up for a time of transition - going back to school, a new season - now is the chance to take control of what's most important . . . your …more
There's nothing that freshens up a glass of water like a slice of lemon, but did you know that adding it to your drink could have several health …more
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