A Guide To Pairing Wine And Cheese

Delicious wine and cheese pairings

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

July 22, 2022

For generations, we have paired wine with cheese. Discover delicious pairings to savor and celebrate on July 25th, National Wine and Cheese Day, and beyond.

Fresh and soft cheeses go well with crisp whites, dry rosés, sparkling wines, or light-bodied reds with low tannins. Try pairing Ricotta, Mozzarella, or Halloumi with Riesling, Chenin Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Provençal rosé, Beaujolais or Lambrusco. The acidity and carbonation of sparkling wine also provide a palate-cleansing effect with soft, creamy, or sticky cheeses, such as Brie, Muenster, or Camembert.

Semi-hard, medium-aged cheeses have a firmer texture and stronger flavors. A medium-bodied white, fruity red or aperitif wine offers a balance between acidity, fruit, and tannin. Think Jarlsberg, Havarti, or Emmental paired with Chardonnay, white Bordeaux, Pinot Noir, Merlot or Amontillado sherry.

As cheese ages, it leaves behind fat and protein. Since fat and protein carry flavors, in older cheeses, the flavor intensifies. Hard-aged cheeses, like Comté, aged Gouda, Pecorino, Asiago, or Parmigiano Reggiano are good options with full-bodied white wines, such as white Burgundy or white Rhône blends or with bold, tannic reds wines like red Burgundy, red Bordeaux or Cabernet Sauvignon.

Blue cheese often needs a wine with more sweetness to balance its bold flavors and saltiness. For example, Stilton, Gorgonzola, or Roquefort pair nicely with a red Port or Sauternes.

An easy place to start is to remember that wine and cheeses from a similar European region often go well together. Popular combinations include Brie cheese and light-bodied Beaujolais from France; nutty Asiago cheese and Chianti from Italy; Goat cheese from the Loire Valley of France with Sancerre; and Manchego cheese and Garnacha from Spain.

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