July is National Ice Cream Month

The Museum of Ice Cream releases a new line of ice cream available at Target stores nationwide

By the LifeMinute Team

July 10, 2018

You may have seen your favorite celebs such as Gwen Stefani and Beyonc post pictures of themselves with their kids in a giant sprinkle pool and wondered 'what is this magical place? Well this heaven on earth is called the Museum of Ice Cream (MOIC), an interactive art exhibit all about ice cream and now you don't have to travel to New York City or San Francisco to get a taste of the fun...

Just in time for National Ice Cream Month, MOIC is releasing a new line of ice cream that will bring the brand's lively and imaginative spirit into more than 1,800 Target stores nationwide. MOIC is also hitting the road on its mobile ice cream truck, throwing socials across the country in cities like Chicago, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Philadelphia and more. We met up with the 26-year-old Founder & Creative Director, Maryellis Bunn at the MOIC's Pint Shop in Manhattan to get the full scoop.


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