Baby News: Reducing the Likelihood of Future Allergies

Infant allergies are on the rise...see how you can take action to prevent them

From LifeMinute.TV

July 18, 2019

Allergies are on the rise, especially food-related allergies in infants and children. One of the most common infant food allergies is cow’s milk allergy. The presence of one food allergy early in life may be associated with other food allergies and manifest in other allergic conditions such as eczema, asthma and hay fever. This process is termed the allergic march.

The early and appropriate intervention of cow's milk allergy and other food allergies - in addition to other allergic conditions such as eczema - can help reduce the risk of future allergies and reduce the likelihood of the allergic march. We talked to Dr. Jonathan Malka, Director of Allergy and Immunology at Pediatric Associates in Miami, FL to learn about the rise in infant food allergies and what action parents can take to alter the allergic march. Visit for more information.


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