An Easy and Affordable Way to Get Your Greens

8G founder Dawn Russell helped cure her own cancer; now she's translated her recipe for health into an easy-to-take daily supplement

By The LifeMinute Team

June 8, 2016

Cancer survivor Dawn Russell shares her story of how searching for a cure led her to create the effervescent tablet 8G, a daily dietary supplement comprised of 8 essential greens. Twenty cups of broccoli and five oranges are just the beginning. This daily effervescent tablet provides you with all the disease-fighting super-ingredients you'll ever need.

The Founder's Story

Sixteen years ago I was diagnosed with a quite serious cancer, but couldn't do chemo or radiation. I traveled around for 4 years trying to find treatments to compensate just to end up back in New York in my own kitchen playing around with various foods trying to get enough nutrients for my body to make it through the day without having to take a nap. Usually I'd make it to 10am, sometimes noon.

The Green Cure

The only thing that helped were greens. Everything else would make me feel more depleted and sick. With greens I started realizing I could get till 2 without taking a nap. The reason? The positive effects of the nutrients and antioxidants that detox our bodies and oxygenate our cells.

We all know how important they are but it's so hard to get them in our diet. So once I got back on my feet and had 2 kids I then became slightly obsessed with getting greens to everyone. It's such a clich thing to say but once I had made it through, had my children, and was feeling very happy in life I felt such a responsibility to get greens to everyone. So I used the 8 greens that I used to get healthy and put them in an effervescent tablet.

Smart Nutrients

It wasn't easy to formulate the 8 greens into a tablet, but we did it. First we had to overcome one problem: When you heat a huge bag of kale on the stove all that remains is a little pea size amount with all the nutrients zapped out of it. So our greens are only dehydrated. We simply took the water out, leaving a ton of nutrients. There's the equivalent of 20 cups of broccoli and enough Vitamin C for 5 oranges.

I also wasn't going to do it unless the tablet tasted good, which was difficult because that meant avoiding the 42 grams of sugar that other companies have used to sweeten their products so our palettes can handle it. We ended up with a delicious lemon-lime flavor. Put it in a glass of water and enjoy!

$12.50 for a tube of 10 tablets.

For more information go to

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