Steps to Stick to a Dry January

Looking to kick drinking for the new year? Here are tips to help keep to it

From the LifeMinute.TV Team

January 6, 2022

Every new year people resolve to change old habits. However, a 2019 study by the University of Scranton found only 8% of people achieve their New Year's resolutions. If one of your resolutions was to quit drinking or do a dry January, you might have already thrown in the towel. To help you follow through on achieving your goal or giving it another go, here are tips, plus some benefits for leaving the booze behind.

Get a support team
First off, don’t go at it alone. Recruit a friend, family member, or coworker to complete the goal with you. You can encourage each other along the way, avoiding social drinking situations together.

Pick up a hobby
If you frequented bars or parties on the weekend, now you may have more free time. Use it to learn a new skill, pick up a hobby or focus on fitness. Doing something new can take your mind off drinking. You won’t feel like you are missing out.

Get creative with mocktails
If you miss sipping on something, you can always turn to the virgin variety of your favorite cocktail. You can also mix up a mocktail such as a Hibiscus POM Plush, Spiced Cider, or an Eggnog Chai Latte.

Know your “why”
Are you giving up alcohol to lose weight, get control of your life or get healthier overall? Know the reason behind why you want to commit. And write it down and remind yourself daily. Envisioning the end goal can help you stay the course.

Don’t get discouraged
If you do slip up, don’t let it derail your goal. Forgive yourself and get right back at it. You will feel better about yourself if you recommit. Don’t give up.

Find motivation
Think of the benefits of giving up alcohol. Within just a month of ditching booze, you consume fewer calories, are better hydrated, and have greater focus and energy. Cutting those bar tabs could be a huge money saver too.

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