Take Shape For Life's Plan for a Healthier, Happier You

Today's the day to start taking control of your future health, says Take Shape For Life's co-founder Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen

By The LifeMinute Team

September 26, 2016

Countless Americans are desperate to get healthier, but simply don't know how to go about it. Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen, co-founder of Take Shape For Life, joined us to speak about awakening Americans to eating healthier, to moving more, to sleep better, and to handle stress more effectively:

Setting Goals

What's great about what we do is that we help people start to create health in their life. And it's small little baby steps, what I call 'micro habits of health.' Eating better, maybe eating a little less meat. Less sugar. More healthy fuelings. More healthy food. And to help you with that Optavia is preservative-free, artificial-free, non-GMO products that actually fuel your body, give you all the vitamins and minerals and put you in a position to truly start losing weight and become healthy.

What's great about Take Shape For Life's OPTAVIA is that it's what's about what's most important to you. So whether you want to lose some weight, you want to start eating healthier, you want to reduce your stress, you want to move more, you want to sleep better, we can help you.

Health Coaches

Take Shape For Life's health coaches are people that for the most part have had challenges in their own lives and now are on the path in this journey to optimal health and well being. With that and using our fuelings, which are very cost effective--no more than the cost of regular food--we can put you in the position to start on this journey toward optimal health.

What I love about it is as a like-minded community that works together we can really make a difference in your life, we can make a difference in the lives of your kids and grandkids by being able to be more with them and be models for them, and also to reach out into your community. You know our communities are so filled with people that want to be healthy but they just don't know how to do it and they are looking for these gimmicks and fads and basically quick fixes that just don't work.

Sick of Being Sick

You know most people are tired of being sick and tired. About getting up and hitting the snooze alarm about ten times and then going through their day really tired and just not feeling well. On medications. Fifty percent of Americans are on at least two medicines. Seventy percent are on one. Twenty percent are on over five medications. These are a direct result of the choices we make day in and day out. The food industry has us addicted. Too much flour, too much sugar. They manipulate the ingredients to make sure we're never quite satisfied and we want more. Way too much salt in our diet. Hypertension. Diabetes. All these things are results of making poor choices.

Go to TSFL.com to learn more.


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