Taking Proactive Steps Towards Heart Health

Quick and easy things you can do to improve heart health and get knowledge about your risk factors

From The LifeMinute.TV Team

March 24, 2025

Did you know that in a study of those who experienced a heart attack at age 50 or younger, half were not previously seen as high risk? Renowned cardiologist and Bayer spokesperson, Dr. Jayne Morgan, joins us at LifeMinute to share insights on what Bayer Aspirin is doing to help empower Americans to take proactive steps toward their heart health and what you can do to protect your heart.

Unfortunately, 104 million Americans are at risk of cardiovascular disease, and though the statistics are astounding, many don’t realize they are at risk at all. People often dismiss the connection between age and heart health risks, believing they're fine because they feel young, lack family history, or think they have no risk factors. But the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, chronic heart disease, heart failure, and stroke, increases from about 40% in men and women 40-59 years of age, to 70-75% in persons 60-79 years of age, and to 79-86% among those aged 80 years or older.

Bayer Aspirin is working to empower Americans to take proactive steps toward their heart health. They're encouraging individuals to take their simple, two-minute heart health risk assessment at seeyourrisks.com. While this does not replace an assessment by a qualified healthcare professional (and we encourage you to always talk to your doctor or healthcare professional about your heart health), the assessment helps uncover potential heart health risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking.

There are many quick and easy ways to improve heart health. Consider taking a 30-minute walk, signing up for a Pilates class, or adjusting your diet to include more lean meats, fruits, and vegetables.

Go to seeyourrisks.com to take the two-minute heart health risk assessment and to learn more. And of course, always speak to your doctor about your cardiovascular health.

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