It's a Halestorm!

Hard rock band Halestorm has become a serious force of nature in the metal genre. One half of the group, brother and sister Arejay and Lzzy Hale, sat down at their label Atlantic Records to reveal what's next for the group, whose second studio album, The Strange Case of... dropped in April.

After the success of their first record, the duo admits they were a little busier this time around.

"It's one of my proudest moments because we didn't have a whole lot of time to think. We literally got off tour, had 24 hours to pack, went right into the studio and basically chased after whatever got us excited," says the band's frontgirl Lzzy.

But the group seems to thrive under the pressure, as drummer Arejay explains, "I think if we spent more time to overthink it, we would have beat around the bush and not have gotten as much done as we did. It was amazing just to go there and just step up in the studio and jam in the studio as a band."

The siblings are no strangers to jamming together, getting their start back in Red Lion, PA.

"When we were about 10 and 13, we played our very first show; it was a talent show contest. And that was pretty much the starting point. That's when we got addicted," says Arejay.

Their newfound addiction had the rocker sibs playing in places they shouldn't be. "This whole band thing and band life...even as a teenager, you are playing in bars you have no business being in," says Lzzy.

And it might just be the group's rebellious determination to perform that resonates now with their dedicated fans.

"We have so many people that we meet and, we say, freak in the most respectful way possible because we have fans that will literally drive six hours to come see a 30-minute open set," says Lzzy.

But their fanatic following does not seem to creep them out. "It kind of makes us feel warm and fuzzy, knowing that our fans are just as nutty as we are. And to come out to a rock concert is almost therapeutic, it's like a release," says Arejay.

And even after their song Love Bites (So Do I) earned them a Grammy for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance this year, their biggest fan still might be their mom.

"Our mom was there (at the Grammys) and just freaked out, having conniptions, just flipping out," says Arejay.

The win took Halestorm by surprise, too, as Lzzy recalls, "The guys lean over to me, and they say, 'You think we should write something down just in case we win?' And we said, 'Nah we are not going to win.'"

If the humble quartet did not believe they were Grammy-worthy then, they should now, as their upcoming tour will hit all 50 states, as well as Japan, Europe, South Africa and more!

And no matter where the global tour finds them, they feel a connection with the audience, as Lzzy sums up, "It's just amazing to walk out on a stage every night and be surrounded by people who are just like you, and just as crazy as you are, and we're all just here to have a good time together."

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