Marshall Crenshaw

Marshall Crenshaw still rocking, rolling, and now... filmmaking

By The LifeMinute Team

April 20, 2018

You may remember musician Marshall Crenshaw from his 80's hits "Someday, Someway" and "Cynical Girl" or you may recognize him from roles in movies such as "Peggy Sue Got Married" or for his portrayal of Buddy Holly in "La Bamba." Marshall sat down with us while in town recently to play a gig at The Stanhope House in New Jersey and told us all about his eclectic career that has now spanned more than 35 years and 14 albums. He also brought us up to date on some of his most recent projects; including the release of six EP's of new music, a radio show on New York station WFUV, and a documentary in the works about famed music producer, Tom Wilson.

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