The time from conception to a child's second birthday is the most important 1,000 days of their life, as these initial months are vital developmental …more
Getting your kids to brush their teeth isn't always easy, but the latest toothbrush is doing its best to help not only make the routine easier but …more
Sleep is a critical part of your child's health and just as important as good nutrition and regular physical activity. In fact, experts say they …more
Research shows over half of U.S. adults suffer from tooth sensitivity, which prevents them from enjoying their favorite foods and drinks, in fear that …more
Hot weather can be hard on the body, and as we head into 'Back to School' season, with increased activities including sports practices, exercising, …more
Allergies are on the rise, especially food-related allergies in infants and children. One of the most common infant food allergies is cow's milk …more
July 21st is National Ice Cream Day, but for those who suffer with sensitive teeth, the holiday might not be that fun. We spoke with top NYC dentist …more
A recent article says that consumers need to evaluate the ingredients found in their toothpaste. The report noted that toothpaste with baking soda …more
According to a recent Harris Poll, 78% of Americans say they wear sunscreen, but only 19% say they wear it every day. Board-Certified Dermatologist, …more
June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month and we all know how the seasonal triggers of Chronic Migraine can hold you back from summer travel …more