It was a small crowd in an even smaller room, the low-lit rotunda of Manhattan's art-deco Spiegeltent. There was a piano, an upright bass, and not …more
Ryder wears her influences on her sleeve. The cream of the female rock cannon, like Janis Joplin and Melissa Ethridge are heard, but the sound is …more
As this new release will attest, his songs and talent run much much deeper than he is many times given credit for. There is also some down right …more
One of Dallas Texas' favorite sons and Old 97's front man Rhett Miller is back with a new self titled solo album. This is his fourth solo outing …more
The mighty Dinosaur jr. have returned. The trio that rocked the alternative music world with three stellar albums in the 80's and then regrouped with …more
In 1961, New Orleans tuba player Allan Jaffe and his wife Sandra turned a drafty French Quarter carriage house into a haven where the town's …more
With his latest release, Everything You Love Will Be Taken Away, Slaid is finally poised for his long overdue "Breakout". This is his 7th album of …more
I recently had the rare opportunity to see this young superstar in a small venue, private performance. Being sorely out of the age bracket, I realized …more
"The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.", so said Mark Twain in response to rumors about his supposed death. The same quote could be …more
Finally a tribute to one of the most underrated artists of all time! It is a crime that Sir Doug is not yet in the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. …more